

The Smiley Company Sprl v. The Individuals, Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified On Schedule A





日期 描述
01/10/2024 ANSWER To Complaint by Shop-Stick-Dat.
11/13/2023 PAPERLESS ORDER DISMISSING CASE. THIS MATTER is before the Court on Plaintiff's Notice of Voluntary Dismissal Without Prejudice as to All Remaining Defendants. (DE 70.) Upon review of the notice and the record, it is ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that this action is DISMISSED WITHOUT PREJUDICE. All deadlines and hearings are CANCELED. Any pending motions are DENIED AS MOOT. This case is CLOSED. Signed by Judge Kathleen M. Williams on 11/13/2023. (rm04)
11/13/2023 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to All Remaining Defendants, Without Prejudice by The Smiley Company SPRL
10/13/2023 Clerk's Entry of Default Against all remaining Defendants as to The Individuals, Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A, Signed by DEPUTY CLERK on 10/13/2023.
10/12/2023 PAPERLESS ORDER Directing Clerk to Enter Default. On August 15, 2023, Plaintiff filed proof of alternative service (DE [28]) alleging service on all 780 Defendants listed on "Schedule A" (DE [20-1]) on August 9 and August 10, 2023. Since that time, two Defendants have filed answers to the Complaint (DE [59]; DE [61]), but those two Defendants, as well as numerous other Defendants, have been voluntarily dismissed from this action by Plaintiff. (See DE [19]; DE [23]; DE [24]; DE [30]; DE [31]; DE [32]; DE [46]; DE [47]; DE [48]; DE [55]; DE [56]; DE [57]; DE [58]; DE [63]; DE [64]; DE [67].) To date, no other Defendant has appeared or filed a responsive pleading to the Complaint (DE [1]). The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure provide that the Clerk must enter default against a defendant who has failed to plead or otherwise defend. Accordingly, it is ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the Clerk is directed to ENTER DEFAULT against all remaining Schedule A Defendants in this matter. On or before November 13, 2023, Plaintiff shall file a motion for final default judgment against all remaining Schedule A Defendants and serve it in accordance with Rule 55(b)(2) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. The motion must be accompanied by a proposed default final judgment order setting forth the sum certain owed as money damages and the sum certain sought for attorneys' fees and costs supported by sufficient evidence, through affidavits or otherwise, to establish the basis for damages and other relief sought in the pleadings. The motion must also reference specific legal authority establishing Plaintiff's entitlement to the relief sought and demonstrating that service was proper. Signed by Judge Kathleen M. Williams on 10/12/2023. (rm04)
09/05/2023 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by The Smiley Company SPRL
08/30/2023 PAPERLESS ORDER DISMISSING CERTAIN DEFENDANTS. THIS MATTER is before the Court on Plaintiff's Notice of Voluntary Dismissal Without Prejudice as to Certain Defendants. (DE 56.) Upon review of the Notice (DE 56) and the record, it is ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that Plaintiff's claims against Defendant listed in the Notice (DE 56) are DISMISSED WITHOUT PREJUDICE. The Court advises that this case remains open as to all remaining Defendants. Signed by Judge Kathleen M. Williams on 8/30/2023. (rm04)
08/30/2023 PAPERLESS ORDER DISMISSING CERTAIN DEFENDANTS. THIS MATTER is before the Court on Plaintiff's Notices of Voluntary Dismissal With Prejudice as to Certain Defendants. (DE 55 ; DE 57 ; DE 58 ; DE 63 ; DE 64.) Upon review of the Notices (DE 55 ; DE 57 ; DE 58 ; DE 63 ; DE 64) and the record, it is ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that Plaintiff's claims against Defendants listed in the Notices (DE 55 ; DE 57 ; DE 58 ; DE 63 ; DE 64) are DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE. The Court advises that this case remains open as to all remaining Defendants. Signed by Judge Kathleen M. Williams on 8/30/2023. (rm04)
08/29/2023 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by The Smiley Company SPRL
08/29/2023 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by The Smiley Company SPRL
08/28/2023 NOTICE of Information About Document Access by DesignbyMagnus
08/28/2023 ANSWER to Complaint by DesignbyMagnus. (Address Updated).
08/25/2023 ORDER re [54] Report and Recommendations, [6] Ex Parte Motion, filed by The Smiley Company SPRL ; Adopting [54] Report and Recommendations on [54] Report and Recommendations, [6] Ex Parte Motion, filed by The Smiley Company SPRL. Certificate of Appealability: No Ruling. Judge Reid's Report (DE 54) is AFFIRMED AND ADOPTED. Plaintiff's Motion for Entry of a Preliminary Injunction (DE 6) is GRANTED, a preliminary injunction is entered in accordance with the terms of the Report, and Plaintiff is required to comply with all recommendations set forth in the Report; and The preliminary injunction shall remain in effect during the pendency of this matter, or until such further dates as set by the Court or stipulated to by the Parties. Signed by Judge Kathleen M. Williams on 8/25/2023. See attached document for full details.
08/24/2023 ANSWER to Complaint by HoneyHomewareStore.
08/23/2023 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by The Smiley Company SPRL
08/23/2023 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by The Smiley Company SPRL
08/23/2023 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by The Smiley Company SPRL
08/22/2023 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by The Smiley Company SPRL
08/21/2023 REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS granting [6] Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Preliminary Injunction filed by The Smiley Company SPRL. Objections to R&R due by 8/24/2023 Signed by Magistrate Judge Lisette M. Reid on 8/21/2023. See attached document for full details.
08/21/2023 Plaintiff's NOTICE by The Smiley Company SPRL of Filing Schedule A to Proposed Preliminary Injunction
1:Exhibit Schedule A to Proposed Preliminary Injunction
08/21/2023 PAPERLESS Minute Order for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Lisette M. Reid: Motion Hearing held on 8/21/2023 re [6] Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order, Preliminary Injunction, and Order Restraining Assets filed by The Smiley Company SPRL. Order to follow. Total time in court: 1 hour(s). Attorney Appearance(s): Javier Sobrado, Other appearances: Defendants No. 535, 541, 83, 397, 425, 688, 694, 314, 99, 411, and 60. (Digital 11:01:08) (REID 02 08/21/23 ZOOM)
08/21/2023 Plaintiff's NOTICE by The Smiley Company SPRL of filing Proposed Report and Recommendation for Plaintiff's Motion for Preliminary Injunction
1:Text of Proposed Order Proposed Report and Recommendation
08/20/2023 PAPERLESS ORDER DISMISSING CERTAIN DEFENDANTS. THIS MATTER is before the Court on Plaintiff's Notices of Voluntary Dismissal With Prejudice as to Certain Defendants. (DE [31]; DE [46]; DE [47].) Upon review of the Notices (DE [31]; DE [46]; DE [47]) and the record, it is ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that Plaintiff's claims against Defendants listed in the Notices (DE [31]; DE [46]; DE [47]) are DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE. The Court advises that this case remains open as to all remaining Defendants. Signed by Judge Kathleen M. Williams on 8/20/2023. (rm04)
08/20/2023 PAPERLESS ORDER DISMISSING CERTAIN DEFENDANTS. THIS MATTER is before the Court on Plaintiff's Notices of Voluntary Dismissal Without Prejudice as to Certain Defendants. (DE [30]; DE [32]; DE [48].) Upon review of the Notices (DE [30]; DE [32]; DE [48]) and the record, it is ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that Plaintiff's claims against Defendants listed in the Notices (DE [30]; DE [32]; DE [48]) are DISMISSED WITHOUT PREJUDICE. The Court advises that this case remains open as to all remaining Defendants. Signed by Judge Kathleen M. Williams on 8/20/2023. (rm04)
08/19/2023 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal of Certain Defendants Without Prejudice by The Smiley Company SPRL
08/19/2023 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal of Certain Defendants, With Prejudice by The Smiley Company SPRL
08/18/2023 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by The Smiley Company SPRL
08/18/2023 Notice of Entry of Parties Listed NOTE: New Filer(s) will appear twice, since they are also a new party in the case. New Filer(s)/Party(s): Weardies, WeAreSVG, WeaveyStudioCo, WeebySpace, Weirdwizards, westwavegraphics, WhiskeyRunDigital, whiteandjames, WisteriaLondon, WithItCreations, WondetHomeDecor, Woodterra, WorldThreeStudio, WorldwideOneStopShop, WorthBuyShop, yarnunderr, Yaromaks, YASDesignerGB, YINGMENGHandmade, YOHUGA, YourGreekEye, YourWeardies, YSLQ, Yukihandmadejewelry, ZabethHays, ZevahirKnit, ziziatu, ZoeyCharms, ZOStudioCrafts and zyzjewelry.
08/18/2023 Notice of Entry of Parties Listed NOTE: New Filer(s) will appear twice, since they are also a new party in the case. New Filer(s)/Party(s): SVGFoxy, Svgoffice, SVGPouch, SVGRepublicCo, Svgsbybri, SVGvillageArt, Svuzy, SwallowbirdArt, sweetgrenadine, TanForestDesigns, Tasire, TATTOODAY, Tattoorary, TeachWithMissT, TharnDesignStudio, TheAlphabetGiftShop, TheArtisanJewellers, TheBlackBarnCo, TheCardEdit, TheComfyClassroom, thecreativeaura, TheCrowPaper, TheDramaticRose, TheExpressHatCompany, TheHandmaidSale, TheHappyShopDesigns, TheJoyfulMoose, TheLittleEarthComber, TheMysteriousStoreFR, THEQUICKBAG, TherugstudioStore, TheShoeFinder, TheSmileShoppeco, TheTuckerCollective, thSVGpage, TimWebermann, TintsofJune, tinyheartsclubstudio, tinythings90, TodayDo, top2024, ToshiasTreasures1, TotezEst, ToucheSupreme, TrendlineStore, TrendyStreetStudio, TrendySVGShopCo, trendyzilla, Trenzkey, TricapStore, TriobloidJewellery, TrulySVG, TRUTHkeep, TuftDaddy, TuftyRugz, TunikDesign, TwoBirdsNorfolk, TwoGirlsCoDesign, TxClouds, ULUcreaciones, uniquebeadsCM, UrbanWearAU, Vannarithlighting, VaporwaresShop, Vectorality, VectorAnaArt, VectorCave, VeEcoGifts, VictorDesignGifts, VintageBeardedLady, VioletStudioDesignCo, VisionGalaxy, Vltana, WaiHat and WasyDesign.
08/18/2023 Notice of Entry of Parties Listed NOTE: New Filer(s) will appear twice, since they are also a new party in the case. New Filer(s)/Party(s): SEVENTYSEVENJEWELRY, ShakeTheLabel, ShapedStuff, ShineDIY, shjog, ShmartStore, ShopACQ, shopfatkat, shopives, shopMissEMi, shopmollsdesigns, ShopperCraftsStore, ShowcaseByNoor, ShreeJaipurSilver925, SierraJewelleryGifts, Silberxjuwel, SillyShinyDiamonds, Silverjewelryelves, Silverpub, SimoniqueBoutique, SisterDesignStore, sixsunflowersdesign, SJewelsWorldwide, skcjewelryDesign, skyartsales, Sleepingmat, SmallTownDesigns740, smARTpatches, smilemammy, SmileyFaceEmbroidery, SofestoreShop, sofiamastery, SolarSubs, SolidMateCovers, SouthernSkyShoppe, SparkCreativeCo, SparkleCraftsJewelry, SparklesbySaara, SparklyDigitalStudio, SpiceUpLifeCo, SpottedMooDigitizing, ssdesigned, StCroixDesignCo, StitchCrazePatterns, StitchKing1, StonesOfHansel, StormBrainArt, StormCreationss, Storytellingproducts, StreetArtRug, Studio178Designs, Studio72official, StudioHelloYello, StudioHorizon, StudioS925Silver, StyleandGlamour786, SubhRC, SublimationArena, SublimationLab, SublimationPrintArt, SubliStitchDigitals, SubStudios, SugarCandyStudio, SummerSundaysPNG, sunandmoonbrandCo, SunnydropStudio, SunRiseDigitalMarket, SuperdesignLT, SUPPLY129, SVGandArt, SvgbyEnouilleDesign, SVGbyStudio, SvgCamp, SvgCoffeeCup and SvgDesignsCentrum.
08/18/2023 Notice of Entry of Parties Listed NOTE: New Filer(s) will appear twice, since they are also a new party in the case. New Filer(s)/Party(s): PINKESplanner, PinkGiraffePrintCo, PinkMoonArtx, PinkoArts, PinkOceanCraft, PinkSundayPrints, PinkyPonyCrafts, PipioStore, PlanetPeppermint, PlatypusUK, PleasuresexEmporium, PluffyCo, PlushBagSpecialists, PocketFlowerDesigns, PodaAtelier, PolarChains, PopularCarpetStore, PorcumineStore, PosterandHouse, PowerfulkleeJewelry, PreKPerfection, PressOnStudioAU, Prettyhousegraphics, PrintablesOnPaper, PrintBoutique4U, PrintedWeird, printeeno, PrintsList, PrintThisOutShop, PrntdrtShop, ProjectArtX, ProjectClubWear, ProVector, PsVintageStore, PuccaJewel, PumpkinPopeye, PuroPuro, PuzzleGiftStore, QianCraftKit, QueeenArt, racheljadesoulart, RainbowBoutiqueNL, RainbowshineDesign, RaineAndJoy, RAREGRAPHIC, RaxaDesign, RaysRagsShop, Recipesvg, RedbeeDesignStudio, RediApparel, RediGraphix, RetroArtPrintCo, RetroishDesigns, RibbonLands, Rightgraphics, rileyBsvgs, RKArtPrints, rodasstudio, Rosdingstrapro, RoseandJack, RostoumArt, Rugs4u, SaezCustomJewelry, SanAnreFantasyShop, Sara1jewels, Sarvalleo, Savashopstore, Schmuckwiese, SeaandBlueDesign, SEEifUlikEiT, SemiShopArt, Sencestudio, SeniordigitalCo, SerenaShopGoods and SereneowlShop.
08/18/2023 Notice of Entry of Parties Listed NOTE: New Filer(s) will appear twice, since they are also a new party in the case. New Filer(s)/Party(s): MotherAndSunStudioUK, MrAbdul, mrngr, MrRui, MummyThyme, MurisAndAJ, MyCraftGalaxy, MyDearDIY, MyDigitalDesignsSVG, MyDigitalStickers, mydreampattern, MyLovelyLiberation, myN1KHOME, MyPrintedCelebration, MysticPioneer, MystikalTrendz, mystoreshops, NADesignsStore, NailsByLvsLoves, nailsmomo, NailStickersUK, nandtdigitals, NationsEmbroidery, NeatJewelleryDesigns, NELYMSTORE, NeonDreamUK, neonmarsuk, NEONTHREADSGB, nesstudio, NHopeStore, NicoTangUK, NinePrint, NirvanaJewellery, Noaandrain, noheajewellery, NomadicDigitalStudio, NooeBerlin, NordicJunk, NorrrTrt, NorthernlightsLT, NuNeiJewelry, NYBeadsjewelry, ohhheylovely, OhLillyDesign, OleanderSpider, OleeBoutique, OMENMEDIA, OMTOMT, onmydigital, OnsevaFineJewelry, OOPSDesignsShop, OpalKobus, Ossyneon, OurCraftingWorld, OzrDigitalDesign, PaintingforfunGoods, palmettosvg, PapeOfSorts, PaperArtGoddess, PaperTownDesign, ParsleyshopDesigns, PatternGirlClub, PattiHCrafts, PeachCafeDesigns, PeachPiePatches, PeachStateDesigns22, pearlmemore, PenguinCreationSVG, PennyandMeShop, PennyandPeonyStudio, PERFECTLYBLUNT, PerficientLoving, perlendaisy, PictionaryDesigns and PineXVine.
08/18/2023 Notice of Entry of Parties Listed NOTE: New Filer(s) will appear twice, since they are also a new party in the case. New Filer(s)/Party(s): LikristinaDesigns, liliasjewelleryxo, LillysHandmades, LilyShaaHandmade, LineArtSisters, LiquidSVG, LIRIOBLANCOart, LitheRippleArt, LittleGemsResinCo, LittleGlintDesign, littletattoos, LiustoreDesign, LLPaperDesignStudio, LOCOMODIY, Loemacrochet, LOhanaPrints, loisirsetpassion, LokisCraftyCorner, LooksPrintables, lotfisvg, LottaMae, LottieandLysh, LoveulotsGifts, lucestella, lucluck, LumenDigitalProducts, LuminousPretties, LunaArtDesignShop, LuneClub, Luniversdebetty, LuxuryCarpetModels, LyliCraft, LZapron, MAAVIBoutique, madebyshan7, Madebytindra, MaditaSchmuck, MadJewelryCo, MagicaStore, maiyaancodesigns, MakeColourCut, MakeItAmazingg, MaliaJewelryDE, mandbShop, MardeMinimalist, MartaPrintShop, marystorearts, MASKAknit, MatchiDesigns, MattiuzJewelry, MaxWriz, Mayndesignco, MBautistadesignco, megasjewellery, MeGente, megmakesclay, Mersius, MiddleTNDesignCo, MidmagArt, MightyPiggyCreative, MimCandles, MimosArtUK, MimounArt, MinaEmbroidery, mingyuexin, MinstrelPattern, MiracleNow, MissLemoni, MlssSupplies, Momentofpeach, MomsDailyDigital, MoonFoxSVG, MoonMadeDigitals, MoonSVGDesigns and MoshiMoshiUK.
08/18/2023 Notice of Entry of Parties Listed NOTE: New Filer(s) will appear twice, since they are also a new party in the case. New Filer(s)/Party(s): ILoveMyEarrings, INDUartprints, InfluBijouxSH, INPAGE, InxyPrint, iProcreate, IsmedesignCo, IsoleDesignShop, ITsSVG, JackMing2011, Jackster14, JadeCreativeArt, jaipurwholesale, jammyweekend, JaneJoArt, JennyLDesignsShop, jewelcabin, Jewelrydhani, JewelryParadiseEN, JewelryWonderlandDE, JewelsForRebelsss, Joincrystal, JollyCases, JourneySVGfile, JoyousEmbroidery, jozoor, JuleAndDesigns, justforkeeps, JustForYouByDoris, JustKrisDesigns, KaiaosieaiVosoao, kasdesignsco, Kasimhomeliving, KathasAtelier, KatsJewellery1, KawaiiSweetHouse, KayleeGiftsStudio, KCandleandCo, Kerzenelfe, KibikiDesign, Kikibellakids, KILLERCUTECOUTURE, Kissrose, kitschpandastore, kiwiNtoucan, KNIT4PEACEDesigns, KokiuJewelry, KonfettiRacker, KowaliPrints, KreativMButterfly, kshfarts, KYLOStudio, KYOUSTUFF, LabelledByLisa, Laceshine, LadyCraftCreatives, Lakeandcoplanners, LaLisette, LanaMaesDesign, LaRucheShop, LaserDoodleuk, LatestVintages, leadershipa, LeAmeria, LeAndLune, LEDNeonSignsbyStu, LegendaryImpressions, LeilaEmbroidery, Lelesdesigns, LeLoveDigitalDesigns, LennyMotley, leophiaessentials, LeReineCo, LiezaJewelry and LifesTreatsByJulie.
08/18/2023 Notice of Entry of Parties Listed NOTE: New Filer(s) will appear twice, since they are also a new party in the case. New Filer(s)/Party(s): Enterdaw, EntreteKids, ErietyJewels, ETSYDIGITALETSY, eunoiaconcept, EuphonyJewelry, eVEUnitedKingdom, EvilEyeJewelryGB, EvokeSVG, ExoticandmagicalShop, ExpertOutfit, eyeillustrations, FaissalThomas, FantasticGDArt, FHDesignss, fiksjewels, FiligranUSA, finestimaginary, FirstChoiceRug, FlatSvg, FloroMondo, ForeBoutiqueSupply, FoxyDesignStoreNL, FunPlusUK, FunSVGCreations, FutureGraphics, galeriebouquet, GalerinaShop, GCGEMSANDJEWELRY, GemFormingStudio, GenesisDotSVG, GetItAllBoutique, GiftForAllTR, GiftLovelyHouse, GiftsbyAkoma, GirlyDogDesignsCo, GloveHongKong, GoldenHomeArt, GooberStudioPrints, GoodVibesOnlyClub, GoPosterStore, GorginaDesign, GraceyHeartsSvg, GraphicsByRobert, GraphicsMadeSimpler, GraphixBazaar, Groovydesignclub, Gwynfor, HaileysDE, HALFTONESTH, handimadeonline, HannalisaStudio, HappySDShop, HappySublimationss, HeatherandBumble, HelloStyleCrafts, HelmsteadMaker, HeritageArtPrintsCo, hestiasilverstore, HEYTIME, HIBSEAJEWELS, Hippydecorandmore, HomelyArtsByDeepti, HoneyArtandNature, honeyflakesdesign, HoneyHomewareStore, HongSupplies, HoodieAdventure, HopcoverShop, HouseOfTootSweet, Howealthjewelry, HughSmithDesign, IdealFashionStore, Ifashionedthis and IikoCreativeArt.
08/18/2023 Notice of Entry of Parties Listed NOTE: New Filer(s) will appear twice, since they are also a new party in the case. New Filer(s)/Party(s): DavinciPrintShop, DazzlingDesignzzz, DDMpartydesigns, DeeDeeCovers83, DeKralenOutlet, DerAufbuegler, DesertDigiDesigns, DesignArtTogether, DesignBestShop, DesignbyMagnus, Designbymdahmad, DesignDistrictInc, DesigningInTheSouth, DesignInYourHeart, DesignsbyHenrick, DesignsOnFirst, DesignSVGTumbler, DesignzBySerendipity, DEWYDesignsBuddy, Diamantdamour, DiamondDigitals22, DiamondHeartNL, Diamondlandtr, DickieBirdDesigns, DigiCreator, Digilectable, DigiSouthern, DigitalArtHubAU, Digitalburcuarts, DigitalDisko, DigitalDownLowCo, DigitalforPrintShop, DigitalPixelstore, DigitalsByNiamh, DigitalStoreNmore, Digitedy, Dinonsense, DirectSolutionStudio, DivineInvitesCo, DivinJewelery, DMMMGifts, doityourselfdc, DollarMonograms, Dominiporke, DoubleKong, DoubleRDesignsStudio, DownloadPlayground, downloadSVGfiles, DragonSpiritPrint, DreamDigitalCo, DREAMJEWELRYIN, DreamPartyPrintables, dunescollective, DustyJewelz, DVApparelCo, Dynsti, DYTartdesignStore, Eastwayp, EcoArtUnitedKingdom, EdwardByConnally, efolki, EKDIGITIZING, EkokooShop, EleMeleKaramele, ElemenoArtDesign, EliorCreationStore, Elligan1, EllisAndPip, ElmaCreativeStudio, Embrocraft, EmbroideryDesignsByM, EmiDesignsRugs, EmilieFloraShop, EndressClothing and EnicoRugs.
08/18/2023 Notice of Entry of Parties Listed NOTE: New Filer(s) will appear twice, since they are also a new party in the case. New Filer(s)/Party(s): BluegrassBuys, BLUEJEANSANDIAMONDS, BluesBoutiqueDesign, BlushCases, BobbyTheGreek, BohemianHomee, BonnieandI, boobooskins, BossaJewels, BoThyme, BoutiqueGraceUS, BraddyDigitals, BrightStarKZ, BrittanyFrostDesigns, BubbaCrochet, ButterStarDigital, byIndigoPrints, byJINNYS, ByMeToYouDesign, BySkagen, CareationDesigns, Case2amaze, CetinDesigns, ChampTrophiesAwards, ChaoswithKidsCo, CharmCraftStore, Charmjewelrygifts, CharmsAndKissesUK, Chdorsignpo, CherryArtDesgn, CheshiresChestUK, ChicSilverJewels, ChicSilverStories, Chilihonig, CirgitStudio, cizimindir, ClairesCreationUK, CleverDogDesigns, ClipHeartCreations, CloudNineCompanyUK, Cocodesignsupply, CocoValentin, CoffeeLover07, CollarsbyPinky, ColorDigitalStudio, CoolThingsArtStore, couturecraftsUK, CozeezDesign, CozyHome4You, Craftedbymagical, CraftuniCutters, CraftyCutterSVG, Craftyopia, CrazyRugDesigns, CreativeArtPL, CreativeCalmDesign, CreativeHeartSpace, CreativeStudioDS, CreativeteedesignsCo, CreedRevival, CropThatOut, csjewelrysupplier, Cufflinkware, CustomDecorCarpet, CustomShopDesignsArt, CustomSignsByME, CutAboveRubies, CuteDigitalFactory, CyberChickShop, D5Stitchesllc, DAIXO, daldandala, dalycute, DanaDesignNook and Dare2imPress.
08/18/2023 Notice of Entry of Parties Listed NOTE: New Filer(s) will appear twice, since they are also a new party in the case. New Filer(s)/Party(s): 0511SUPPLY, 11FeathersJewellery, 14kgfcom, 2882Digital, 3dmonoprint, 3PiggiesDesigners, 3SISART, 5kittensdigital, Aaronstudiographics, AfroditTaki, AIDigitalStore, AleyKiAccessories, Alistajewels, alittleKLC, AllegoGold, AllegroDigitalPrints, AllofTaken, allthingsapplique, AlwaysBlanks, AlyonesSVG, AlyssaVanderPloeg, AmazingCuttables, Angieonthewall, annabadenberg, ApfelblueteShopDE, ArleneDesignStudio, ArtandCraftsJewelry, ArtAndPrintShop, artbysugu, ArtDesignGraphicShop, ArtGalleryZen, ArtInDesignShop, Artintuitive, artisanannieshop, ArtisanSocietyStore, ArtisticLodge, ArtisticPrintGalore, ArtiStock, ArtistsloftAU, ArtMayaShop, ArtsalesDesigns, ArubaJewellery, ArwenDigitalDesign, ASCJewellery, AshwallStore, askingfortrouble, AstronautEmuDesigns, AtaARTCo, atelierdepoulet, AtelierLarcher, ATOLYELA, AuroraGlint, AuroraLightDigitalCo, AVKREATION, AvocadoPieDesign, AzaleaParkGifts, B2SAS, BajiTemplateMaster, BasicjewelleryCo, BeadsFactor, beadsmaker, BeepStudio, BelindaFashion, BellaArtDigital, BellonaJewellery, BerShopMor, bethanyannewilliams, BetterMenUS, BigDreamsWallArt, BiggerThanPrintsShop, BigmamaDesignStudio, BizDesignCo, BlackSheepPrintsUK, Blacksparrowuk and BlueBasilBoutique.
08/17/2023 Clerk's NOTICE of Compliance re [33] Order on Motion to Unseal Case: All docket entries unsealed.
08/17/2023 ORDER granting [29] Motion to Unseal Case. The Clerk of Court is directed to UNSEAL the restricted/sealed portions of the docket in this matter and return those portions of the Court file to the public records. Signed by Judge Kathleen M. Williams on 8/17/2023. See attached document for full details.
08/16/2023 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal of certain defendants WITHOUT prejudice by The Smiley Company SPRL
08/16/2023 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by The Smiley Company SPRL
08/15/2023 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by The Smiley Company SPRL
08/15/2023 Plaintiff's MOTION to Unseal by The Smiley Company SPRL.
1:(Text of Proposed Order) Modified Motion Relief on 8/16/2023 (pcs)
08/15/2023 SERVICE (Proof) by Publication by The Smiley Company SPRL. Last Publication date 8/10/2023. Claims/Positions/Written Defenses/Answers/etc., due by 9/11/2023.
08/15/2023 Clerk's Notice to Filer re 1 Complaint, 20 Notice (Other). Parties Not Added; ERROR - The Filer failed to add all parties from the complaint/schedule, etc. Filer is instructed to file a Notice of Entry of Parties Listed into CM/ECF and add the additional parties.
08/14/2023 PAPERLESS ORDER DISMISSING CERTAIN DEFENDANTS. THIS MATTER is before the Court on Plaintiff's Notices of Voluntary Dismissal Without Prejudice as to Certain Defendants. (DE [19]; DE [23]; DE [24].) Upon review of the Notices (DE [19]; DE [23]; DE [24]) and the record, it is ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that Plaintiff's claims against Defendants listed in the Notices (DE [19]; DE [23]; DE [24]) are DISMISSED WITHOUT PREJUDICE. The Court advises that this case remains open as to all remaining Defendants. Signed by Judge Kathleen M. Williams on 8/14/2023. (rm04)
08/11/2023 Notice of Filing Bond in the amount of $10,000.00 posted by The Smiley Company SPRL Approved by Judge Kathleen M. Williams
08/11/2023 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by The Smiley Company SPRL
08/11/2023 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal As to Certain Defendants, Corrected by The Smiley Company SPRL
08/11/2023 NOTICE of Striking [17] Notice of Voluntary Dismissal filed by The Smiley Company SPRL by The Smiley Company SPRL
08/11/2023 Order
08/10/2023 Plaintiff's NOTICE by The Smiley Company SPRL of Filing Corrected Schedule A to the Complaint
1:Exhibit Schedule A to the Complaint
08/10/2023 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by The Smiley Company SPRL
08/10/2023 Plaintiff's MOTION for Extension of Time for an Extension of TRO and Preliminary Injunction Hearing by The Smiley Company SPRL. Responses due by 8/24/2023
1:Affidavit Declaration of Javier Sobrado
2:Text of Proposed Order Granting Extension
08/09/2023 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by The Smiley Company SPRL
08/02/2023 Summons Issued as to The Individuals, Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A.
08/01/2023 NOTICE of Filing Proposed Summons(es) by The Smiley Company SPRL
07/19/2023 Order
07/10/2023 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 12 [order] restricted/sealed until further notice.
07/10/2023 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 11 [report and recommendations] restricted/sealed until further notice.
06/29/2023 PAPERLESS ORDER. THIS MATTER is before the Court on Plaintiff's Motion to File Under Seal (DE 5) ("Motion"). In the Motion, Plaintiff requests that the Court allow Plaintiff to temporarily file under seal Schedule "A" to its Complaint while it serves Defendants. Upon review of Plaintiff's Motion, the record, and applicable law, the Court finds good cause to allow Plaintiff to file under seal Schedule "A" to its Complaint because Plaintiff's interest in protecting confidential information outweighs the common law right of access. See Romero v. Drummond Co., 480 F.3d 1234, 1246 (11th Cir. 2007). Accordingly, Plaintiff's Motion is GRANTED. Plaintiff shall file Schedule "A" to the Complaint under seal. Within seven (7) days of completing service, Plaintiff shall file a motion to unseal the case and shall add all Schedule A Defendants as Parties through CM-ECF. Signed by Judge Kathleen M. Williams on 6/29/2023. (rm04)
07/19/2023 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 13 [misc] restricted/sealed until further notice. (1069874)
06/29/2023 ORDER OF REFERRAL AND NOTICE OF COURT PRACTICE AND PROCEDURES, referring case to Magistrate Judge Lisette M. Reid for Pretrial Non-Dispositive Matters. Signed by Judge Kathleen M. Williams on 6/29/2023. See attached document for full details.
06/28/2023 Order
06/28/2023 Plaintiff's MOTION to Seal Schedule "A" to the Complaint per Local Rule 5.4 by The Smiley Company SPRL.
1:Text of Proposed Order
1:(Complaint) (nan)
06/26/2023 Clerks Notice of Judge Assignment to Judge Kathleen M. Williams. Pursuant to 28 USC 636(c), the parties are hereby notified that the U.S. Magistrate Judge Lisette M. Reid is available to handle any or all proceedings in this case. If agreed, parties should complete and file the Consent form found on our website. It is not necessary to file a document indicating lack of consent.
06/26/2023 COMPLAINT against The Individuals, Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A. Filing fees $ 402.00 receipt number AFLSDC-16720891, filed by The Smiley Company SPRL.
1:Civil Cover Sheet
